There are few charges more devastating than those involving driving while intoxicated. Unfortunately, there are many people this New Year’s Eve that will be charged with driving while under the influence of alcohol as part of Governor Cuomo’s Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign. This year, law enforcement agencies throughout New York State will be conducting patrols to crack down on all those who make the decision to drive while impaired throughout the holiday season. This campaign will run through January 1, 2021.
Of the campaign, Governor Cuomo said in a statement, “New York has zero tolerance for impaired driving. Motorists who drive under the influence not only put themselves at risk, but endanger the lives of everyone else. Be safe and smart this holiday season, whether you’re on the road or not. If you must travel, drive sober or have a plan in place to get where you’re going safely.”
You should understand that the Governor truly means what he says, as last year, during the 2019 enforcement campaign, law enforcement throughout New York State state arrested 5,677 people for impaired driving. Additionally, there were 159,133 tickets were issued for vehicle and traffic law violations throughout the state.
Of the initiative, State Police Acting Superintendent Kevin P. Bruen said, “As we celebrate the holiday season, we want to remind motorists to celebrate safely. If plans include alcohol, please plan ahead for a safe ride home. Driving impaired is a choice that can have serious, and sometimes deadly, consequences. The public’s safety is our top priority. As always, our Troopers will be highly visible and will have zero tolerance for impaired, reckless and distracted drivers.”
If you have any additional questions or you are someone who was charged with driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol this holiday season, you must reach out to our knowledgeable Rockland County criminal defense and traffic violations attorney as soon as you can. Our firm is here to fight your charges through every step of the legal process ahead. All you have to do is pick up the phone and give us a call today.
Contact our experienced Rockland County firm
Those facing criminal charges in New York need a strong Rockland County defense attorney who knows the ins and outs of the criminal justice system. Fortunately, our firm is ready to put over 30 years of experience to work for you. Call today or contact The Law Office of Carl Spector online to schedule a free confidential consultation. We are ready to help you go on living life positively, happily, and free from the burdens of a criminal conviction–all you have to do is ask.