Our great country was founded on the principle that our citizens have the inalienable right to keep and bear arms. Unfortunately, here in New York State, gun rights are very restrictive, which is why if you are looking to purchase, own, use, or carry a firearm here in NYS, it is critical that you understand these laws so you do not violate them without even realizing it. If this has happened to you and you are currently being charged with a gun crime, our firm is here to help. Continue reading and speak with our Rockland County criminal defense attorney to learn more about gun laws in NYS and how we can help if you’ve been charged with violating them. Here are some of the questions you may have:
Do I need a permit to purchase a shotgun in New York?
Fortunately, in New York State, you are not required to own a permit to purchase a shotgun or a rifle.
What gun permits can NYS residents get?
The three types of gun permits in New York State are permits to possess/carry a firearm during employment, a permit to possess on-premises, and a permit to carry concealed.
How can I get a handgun permit in New York?
To acquire a handgun permit, you must prove that you are of “good moral character,” that you are over the age of 21, that you have a “legally-recognized reason” for wanting to purchase a handgun, and that you do not have a criminal record.
How do I apply for a firearm permit in NYS?
Those who live in New York City, Suffolk, or Nassau County are required to apply to the police commissioner. Citizens of the easternmost towns of Suffolk County must apply to the Sheriff. Those who reside in Upstate New York must apply with County Court through the county clerk’s, sheriff’s, or court clerk’s office. Include the following documentation in your application
- Your name, date of birth, and address
- Mental health history
- Character references
- A physical description
- Whether you have a criminal record
- Your Social Security Number
Once you apply for your gun permit, you should hear back within four months of submitting your application. For any further questions contact our Rockland County criminal defense attorney today.
Contact our experienced Rockland County firm
Those facing criminal charges in New York need a strong Rockland County defense attorney who knows the ins and outs of the criminal justice system. Fortunately, our firm is ready to put over 30 years of experience to work for you. Call today or contact The Law Office of Carl Spector online to schedule a free confidential consultation. We are ready to help you go on living life positively, happily, and free from the burdens of a criminal conviction–all you have to do is ask.