If you recently lost your driving privileges because of an alcohol or drug-related charge, you may be entitled to receive a hardship or conditional license. Continue reading and reach out to our firm today to speak with a skilled Rockland County DUI attorney today. Our legal team is on your side.
Can you get a hardship or conditional license in New York?
Yes, you can acquire a hardship or conditional license in New York. A hardship or conditional license is a restricted license given to a driver whose license has been suspended or revoked as a result of an alcohol or drug-related offense. In the event that the driver qualifies for it, he or she will be permitted to drive again, under limitations put in place a New York court. If you have recently lost your driver’s license and are unsure about whether or not you qualify to receive a conditional license in New York, give our firm a call today. Our legal team is on your side.
What steps must be taken to obtain a hardship or conditional license in New York?
In order to acquire a conditional or hardship license, you must testify at a “Hardship Hearing,” which is executed by the judge within three days of your arraignment, but often, on the same day as the arraignment.
Why should I retain the services of a DUI attorney if I am in this position?
By reaching out to a skilled Rockland County criminal defense lawyer, you can feel more comfortable knowing that your case is in the right hands. A skilled legal professional will be able to obtain the necessary information and prepare and present the evidence needed to obtain a hardship license. The proof shown by your lawyer should certify the following:
- Proof of medical appointments, if applicable
- Proof of employment, such as a recent paystub
- Proof of your address, such as a utility bill
- Proof of attendance at an approved educational institution, if applicable
- Proof of the prohibitive cost for a taxi, train, bus, et cetera, from home to work, school, or doctors appointment
A charge for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is always worth fighting to evade criminal penalties and the other adverse consequences related to a conviction. Even a first-time DUI conviction could result in a license suspension, a big fine, and a period of incarceration. Reach out to our firm today to learn more.
Contact our experienced Rockland County firm
Those facing criminal charges in New York need a strong criminal defense attorney who knows the ins and outs of the criminal justice system. Call today or contact The Law Office of Carl Spector online to schedule a free confidential consultation.