If you are facing criminal charges in New York, there are several things you need to avoid doing. One of those things includes failing to appear in court when you are required to. If you miss a court date in New York, the penalties you can face may be more severe than the original crime you are charged with in some cases. As such, it’s crucial to understand what will happen if you fail to appear for a scheduled court date in New York and why working with a dedicated Rockland County Criminal Defense Attorney is in your best interest when you are charged with a criminal offense.
What Penalties Can I Face if I Miss a Court Date?
If you have failed to appear for a scheduled court date in New York, you can expect to face immediate and serious legal repercussions. Depending on the nature of the original crime you have been charged with, the presiding judge will likely issue a bench warrant. This authorizes law enforcement to arrest an individual on the basis they failed to comply with a court order. It’s important to understand the bench warrant will become part of your permanent record. This will make a judge that much more likely to issue a warrant for your arrest again in the future if you were to miss a scheduled court date.
If you were released on bond, missing a court date can result in the revocation or modification of bail conditions, possibly leading to incarceration. The bond acts as a collateral to ensure you appear in court. As such, if you miss a hearing the money or property you pledged as collateral will not be returned. Additionally, the criminal charges you were originally facing may be magnified as a result of your failure to appear, as the court can impose fines and other penalties as a deterrent against non-compliance. If you are charged with contempt of court, it can lead to potential jail time, additional fines, and other sanctions.
What Should I Do if I Miss My Court Hearing?
If you miss your court hearing, you need to reach out to a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Taking legal action without delay can help you remedy the situation before you are charged with another criminal offense. An attorney can advise you on how to proceed to protect yourself and mitigate the potential consequences. They can help you determine valid and justified reasons for missing your court date.
If you anticipate missing your court hearing, you should contact the court immediately. If you contact them before you miss the hearing, it will grant you the opportunity to explain your situation. For instance, you may explain that you were on your way but got a flat tire or unexpectedly were hospitalized with an illness. You can ask them to reschedule the court hearing. However, this request may not be granted depending on the extenuating circumstances.
As you can see, failure to appear for a scheduled court date can have grave consequences, so it’s imperative to connect with a seasoned Rockland County criminal defense attorney from The Law Office of Carl Spector who can help protect your rights. Our legal team is prepared to tirelessly defend your interests. Connect with our firm today to learn more about what we can do for you.