There are few charges more damaging to a driving record than reckless driving. If you are facing a reckless driving charge in NYS, you must read this blog and speak with our experienced Rockland County traffic violations attorney to learn more about the consequences you may face and how we can help you fight them. Here are some of the questions you may have:
How does New York law define reckless driving?
Reckless driving, as per New York law, is operating a motor vehicle “in a manner which unreasonably interferes with the free and proper use of the public highway, or unreasonably endangers users of the public highway.” For reckless driving in New York, you may face very serious, potentially life-altering consequences.
What happens if I am charged with reckless driving in New York State?
If you are convicted of reckless driving in New York State, you risk facing very serious penalties, and those penalties will only increase in severity as you commit additional reckless driving offenses. The penalties for reckless driving in New York State are as follows:
- First offense: You may spend up to 30 days in jail and face fines between $100 and $300. You may also receive up to 5 points on your license.
- Second offense within 18 months of a previous offense: You may spend up to 90 days in jail and face fines between $100 and $525. You will most likely also receive up to 5 points on your license.
- Third offense within 18 months of the first: You may spend up to 180 days in jail and face fines between $100 and $1,125. You may also receive up to 5 points on your license.
What happens if I receive points on my license?
Nobody wants to receive points on their license. If you accumulate points on your license, the first and most immediate, though perhaps lasting consequence is that your insurance premiums will rise. This means that you will, essentially, be paying for your reckless driving ticket for months, or even years down the road. Furthermore, when someone accumulates 6 or more points on their license within 18 months, they will most likely have to pay a $100 yearly fine for three years. After accumulating 11 or more points on your license within 18 months, you may also face a license suspension. Our Rockland County traffic violations attorney is here to help you fight those consequences–all you have to do is ask.
Contact our experienced Rockland County firm
Those facing criminal charges in New York need a strong Rockland County criminal defense attorney who knows the ins and outs of the criminal justice system. Fortunately, our firm is ready to put over 30 years of experience to work for you. Call today or contact The Law Office of Carl Spector online to schedule a free confidential consultation. We are ready to help you go on living life positively, happily, and free from the burdens of a criminal conviction–all you have to do is ask.